Stories from
November, 2017

My favorite band came to town. I paid $300 for floor seats so Amanda and I could watch the show through the lens of other people’s iPhones.

Michael Snyder writes (mostly) fiction, has been published in many places, and lives in TN with his amazing wife, children, and animals.

“Terminal, go!”
“I’m not voice activated.”
I touched its keypad. It purred.
I began typing. It wheezed with pleasure:
“Please, don’t stop.”

@NathanHillstrom studied Computer Science, worked on Wall Street, and now writes in beautiful San Diego. Fiction in Asimov’s & others.

The house he’d shared with his wife of many years had burned. With nowhere left to mourn her passing, it was time, at last, to see the world.

Justin DeFerbrache teaches English in South Korea.

Every May, they meet at the bar, each carrying a hard drive, dressed exactly the same way, to trade lives with each other for another year.

Miguel Paolo Reyes is a researcher from the Philippines.

The basset hound shuffled, its hind legs unsure of where its front was headed. Even further back, lost but for the leash, its owner grieved.

Jacob Edwards is a writer poet person from Brisbane Australia. He watches the world, lives mostly in his head and tweets @ToastyVogon.