And after a while of sitting there and listening to the rain outside my window, It said to me:
“This is the best way you’ll get to know me.”
Sasan Mahmoudi is a second-year internal medicine resident.
And after a while of sitting there and listening to the rain outside my window, It said to me:
“This is the best way you’ll get to know me.”
Sasan Mahmoudi is a second-year internal medicine resident.
Presents unopened. Cake still whole in its box in the cupboard. Balloons already starting to sag.
Again, he looks out the front window.
Robert Keal hails from Kent but currently lives in London.
As he stole time from their marriage for his siblings, parents, bosses, it dawned on her. Being loved wasn’t the same as being chosen.
Wasila Q. is a hopeless romantic and overthinker.
All she wanted was to pause time, just once; and when that wish was granted she wanted to do it again.
Emma Wilson lives in Scotland where she researches, writes, and drinks lots of tea.
We had to pause between galaxies to hear the music of the stars.
It was dark, and we were alone, but oh, those songs.
Mari Ness writes stuff. Much of it short. Slightly longer examples can be found in her chapbook, Dancing in Silver Lands, from Neon Hemlock Press.
He lit a cigarette and watched his house burn down. “Mary would’ve loved this,” he whispered to himself.
Sacha Bissonnette is a poet and short story writer from Ottawa, Canada.
In the lighthouse it was so easy to be good. Light the fire, watch the white sails slide safely along. But now I know what was on the ships.
Daniel Galef is ancient, but no mariner.
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Brian and Doug still haven’t called. She checks her email again, as if that will fix the loneliness.
Ella Shively’s favorite word is bioluminescent.
Children are efficient. With two words they removed the single solace in his life: “Imaginary friend.”
Joseph Paul Bernstein writes in C++, Python, and English. Check out more of his work at wisdomofdune.substack.com.